Sunday, 15 March 2020

Relaxed Breathing or Square Breathing

When we are feeling anxious, our breathing rate speeds up. This is an automatic response preparing our body to go into "fight or flight" mode. You can calm this response with relaxed or square breathing.

If you are able, sit or lie comfortably. If you are unable to sit or lie, try and stand still with your back against a wall or something similar.

If you feel comfortable, close your eyes.

Cover one nostril and breathe in through the other for a count of four. (To ensure you don't count too quickly you can count in one thousands i.e one one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand, four one thousand.) You need to be breathing down into your belly and not just into your lungs. If possible, place your free hand on your lower abdomen so you can feel it rise. Hold your breath for a count of four and then release for a count of four.

If you have your eyes closed, imagine drawing a square as you breathe. Each one thousand is a side of the square.

You should repeat this for a few minutes in order to feel the effects.

If counting to four is too much or not quite enough, count to three or five as suits. What matters is that your breathing is slow and consistent.

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