Monday, 5 August 2019

I'm wicked and I'm lazy

I was flicking through the Metro newspaper recently as I am wont to do when I need some mindless distraction and I came across an article that declared: "Mum criticised for daily snack boxes which let kids help themselves.” I thought to myself, ‘this ought to be good’ and decided to have a read. 

Essentially, mum of two, Shannon James, decided to lay out snack baskets for her children with their daily ration of snacks. The idea being that her children will learn to self moderate and make their snacks last throughout the day. Genius idea right?! Not according to many commenters. 

I contacted Shannon to ask if I could write this post about her idea and had a look at the post. There are more than 4 thousand comments! I was going to see if I could find the criticisms but honestly, I’m too lazy! 

I have to say, if people think that Shannon is lazy for allowing her children to self moderate like this, imagine how they would feel about me doing similar things, a person who gets PAID to care for children! 

As a nanny, my primary concern is the safety of the children in my care. If I do everything for my charges, they may be safe now but in the future, they will have no clue how to look after themselves. Every child I have worked with knows I am their nanny, not their maid. I don’t clean up after my charges. Nor do I do everything for them. 

My charges get themselves up and ready for school. They make their own beds (if I'm there in the morning) and get their kit ready for the day. 

If they want breakfast during the holidays, they will get it for themselves. (Some things need adult prep)

Heck, sometimes they even cook their own dinners! 

They know that when they come home from school or an outing that their shoes go on the shelf or in the basket, their coats are put on their hooks and their bags are brought to the table. They will then empty their bags, putting their snack pots in the sink and their PE kits in the laundry. 

After meals, I fully expect my charges to scrape their plates then put their plates in the dishwasher.  My charges also often have chores, even the youngest ones! 

My charges often WANT to do chores! 

And they actually THANK me! 

Unfortunately, parents are often judged for their choices. There seems to be no "right way" to do things and everyone else does it better than you! 

If your children leave home as competent individuals capable of cooking their own meals, washing their own laundry and keeping their homes clean, you're doing something right! I know many able-bodied adults who lack such skills. 

As far as I'm concerned, more parents should be more like Shannon! 

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